
Informed Young Americans - Inform your Representatives and VOTE

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The Globalists are counting on the Young Citizens to not take a skeptical eye to what is going on. They think you will be too distracted by your devices, too enamored with their pretend People and Planet ideologies, not discerning enough to see real from false, and otherwise not up to scratch enough to figure it out. Prove. Them. Wrong. Young Americans need to know these things and CONTACT your REPRESENTATIVES and demand action from them: • Globalists and Global Government is Real. • Globalists’ Agendas are in their Own Interests not Yours. • Globalists Control Big Media, much of Big Business and key monetary systems. • By varying degrees, Globalists Influence the G20 Governments • Using the “Opportunities” of Emergencies and Global Shocks, Globalists usher in their Great Reset for the 4th Industrial Revolution and Stakeholder Capitalism. • Their Reset Involves Crushing Free and Democratic Societies and Governance Structures to remove sovereignty and establish a One World Government. • The Biden/Harris Administration is fully aligned with these Globalist Agendas and this is why such tumultuous things have been happening in America and the societies of the G20 Countries mostly, since 2020. Other countries too have become infiltrated by Globalist interests, but this is mainly a push within the G20 – to start. • The Infrastructure for the roll out of the Agendas requires certain levels that disqualify the poorest and many of the lesser income countries. For once, they are lucky. • Young Americans can further investigate the underlying conditions, not only causing such upheaval in American lives, but also creating a very large, very powerful, extremely well planned and staffed World Government Wanna Be, with much of the money in the world- and the power to manipulate monetary systems. • The Globalists have the heft to alter political and economic systems and they are doing this now. With the exception of a very few, no one knows. No one says ‘No’. • Why haven’t you heard of all this perhaps? Because mainstream media is in the Globalists’ back pocket and because the current leadership of America is in step with, and supportive of the Globalist Movement. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has repeatedly recognized President Biden’s contribution to the Globalists Agendas and has noted Kamala Harris’ contributions also. • You also have not heard much about this PACT, if anything, because you were not involved. Nor do you likely know anyone who was involved. So the UN and partners are getting the world to go along with their truly dehumanizing agendas for the Globalists own interests, pretending in part, that it is for the Youth, and that they are doing this for the Future. Deliberately crushing society in 100 ways, the Globalists, behind the wheel of many of the G20 Countries, are not helping the youth. They are helping only themselves. • Do not let their pretend caring fool you. • (See To Take Action to Save America’s Sovereignty and Your Freedoms JOIN REPUBLIC- Promotion Code - 10$/mnth

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Start time

November 5, 2024

12:00 PM

End time

November 6, 2024

12:00 AM

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Our Country, Our Choice

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