
St Ignace Situation.



First, let me say I am a veteran with PTSD. I SERVED 10 YEARS OVERSEAS. 18Z. Which means I'm on high alert 24/7. I notice everything. I moved here to escape the city and all the crazy congestion. I have been here a couple of years with my close friend and girlfriend. We have experienced, seen & discovered things here that are not so great. We live in an apartment complex that is run by an out of state property management company that has a discriminatory and dangerous property manager. We have reported her to the management company multiple times for violations and stepping on our civil & constitutional rights. She has gone as far as filing false police reports, allowed felons to live in the complex which is a direct violation of the lease & property management rules, not enforcing the rules equally among tenants. We have no quiet enjoyment living here as we are on high alert constantly trying to deal with the tenant behind us and her adult children, who happen to be the property managers good friend of 40 years. That tenant moved her felon son in at one point and he came over one evening trying to beat the door down, for no apparent reason. The tenant's adult daughter has tried twice to assault my 62 year old girlfriend, and she has never spoken to her before this woman is in her 30s and so is the felon son.. Police was called nothing at all was done., No HELP! The daughter is a Violent POS & Alcoholic. After both of these attempts, the property manager still allowed this adult child to move in with her mother in the apartment behind us. The last time she tried to assault my girlfriend, pushing past me entering my apartment to attack my girlfriend, I had to pepper spray her. We have filed 3 police reports to no avail, filed for a PPO that was denied. Chief Kevin James refused to do anything. We also went to the prosecutor's office, with the same result, crickets. There is a drug apartment across the parking lot from us and in one day I counted 52 cars in and out of that apartment from 7 am to 12pm that night. This is just about everyday lots of very young children in and out of that same building and apartment. We had to get a trail cam and install it on our balcony due to our car being vandalized and record night and day. Don't think for one second Chief James does not know about this. Everyone in Mackinac county comes to this place for drugs 24/7. There are more things I have seen and experienced, but minor to a vet. My point for telling you this is that I believe the Chief of police and the prosecutors here in Mackinac county will not prosecute criminals. They may or may not be corrupt, I have no proof just yet but I am a like mind of Dan Bongino, I believe in outcomes not words or promises. What I have seen is a failure to protect the older, poor people in the community and that means if we get invaded by immigrants, gangs, illegals, they aren't coming to help. I have done research on this Chief Kevin James, I can't find anything about him, I mean anything, no police career, where did he come from? He has no social media presence, I can't find any info about this clown. Also very important, I can't say for a fact, but, I have witnessed what I believe to be VENEZUELAN CARTEL MEMBERS SETTING UP SHOP HERE IN ST. IGNACE. I ran into and surveilled 1 Venezuelan man, Gucci watch, Adidas pants, and gold chains, very tall, in his 20's and two pleather wearing mini skirt hoochi mamas with him only a week ago. He stated he was Venezuelan and that he lives in "St. Inace" now, in broken English. He payed with a homeland security visa debit card at the dollar store and later that same week I saw more of them in town walking around covered in tattoos, watching every one scoping out the stores, and more will come. Tons of Chinese flood the area and then just disappear mostly males traveling in groups15- 20 constantly. There are other hazards to avoid in St. Ignace such as the problem with the tap water. The water tester says is an 8.95, but drinkable water is 2.0 and lower, no telling what's in there. FOOD HERE IS RIDICULOUS, YOU WILL PAY $3.00 ABOVE COST FOR EVERYTHING HERE. DON'T FORGET THE GOVERNORS MANSION IS ON THE ISLAND, VERY CLOSE. THERE IS A D.E.W. ON A 60 FOOT TOWER OVERLOOKING THE MACKINAC BRIDGE, AND 100 YARDS FROM MY APARTMENT. I KNOW IT'S ONE BECAUSE WHEN I SERVED I SAW THE DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON PLATFORMS ON PLANES, SHIPS, AND TANKS, this is a smaller version of it, why is it there? Military mostly army doing drills with the Mackinac island? Maybe. 2 Ch-17s just recently flying all weekend last week. It is time we have our own Militia here in Mackinac county. JOIN ME IN THE DEFENSE OF OUT HOME COUNTY CONTACT ME AT [email protected] or call me text me 734 865 0129. The GOVERNMENT IS NOT COMING TO HELP YOU! THE POLICE IS NOT COMING TO HELP YOU AT ALL! WE NEED TO FORM OUR OWN REPONSE TEAM NOW SEE WHAT HAPPENED IN Hawaii & NORTH CAROLINA! YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN BE NEXT! ITS TIME TO ACT WE NEED YOU TO SATND with us! WE CANT DEPEND ON OUR POLICE CHEIF OR SHERRIF, JOIN TODAY! LEAVE ME A CONTACT NUMBER OR EMAIL.YOUR NAME AND AREA. TY! GOD BE WITH US ALL. GO TIME IS HERE! STAND WITH US OR FALL. VIDEO PROOF BELOW. http://OURCOUNTRYOURCHOICE.COM……… @Baleos53 Truth! NEW VIDEOS OF MILITARY CAPABLITIES UNCOVERED.

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