
Termite Warfare


Stop Globalism

Image credit: Katja Schulz from Washington, D. C., USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Termites are destructive to a house. One of the reasons is that they may not be noticed until significant damage has been done. Furthermore, there are different types of termites that feed off of different types of structures. What is going on in the United States can be likened to a type of termite warfare. We think of warfare as something with tanks and men with guns rolling over borders into a nation in an obvious way. Instead, a small cotorie (a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people), this group exclusive of the interests of the common working man, have more or less captured the government, the intelligence agencies, the media, the control of the weather, and by various threats and regulations, various industries as well. By having control of these things, they can generate situations that push money and power into their hands. It is becoming known that there are lithium deposits in the area where Hurricane Helene hit. The desire for it, combined with the ability to control weather and steer it where needed, can create a disaster that moves out the locals and makes it possible for rich lithium deposit land to be picked up for pennies on the dollar. This is not the first time weather warfare has been used. There is the information out there ... not in the mainstream media which is a mouthpiece for the Deep State and globalists ... but there are independents who do the research and point out the facts ... and there is information on how Hurricane Helene was steered and also information about lithium and quartz deposits in the land. If a child is sitting by an empty cookie jar with crumbs around the mouth and says, "I didn't eat the cookies", what do you say? At a certain point, looking at facts and common sense helps us to put two and two together to realize that we are under a type of termite warfare. There is an illegal invasion at the border. There is the poisoning of food and water. There is the weaponization of medical emergencies in the interest of bioweapons. In normal warfare, the government is there to protect the people. It would warn of an illegal invasion. It would warn of bioweapons. It would warn of weather warfare. However, we have a rogue government or a government captured by rogue forces and agencies and globalists, however you want to slice and dice it, and this government is not operating in the interests "of the people, by the people, and for the people". That should be evident. You either figure it out or you don't. If you have, then vote against those doing these things. Don't sit out this election. Sitting out the election is equivalent to voting for them. If you don't figure it out, then you become the useful idiot that they use to bring in their agenda and once you have served your purpose, you are expendable and they can kill you off in any number of ways. These things have happened before throughout history and as the saying goes, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. There is termite warfare coming against the American people. There has been enough structure eaten through that it is no longer hidden. Since it is no longer hidden, it behooves all of us to push back against it. If not, the structure of the United States will fall completely to the termites.

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