
Thousands of Chinese surge our Northern and Southern borders! ACT NOW!


Border Defense

WE ARE INVADED NOW Has anyone seen dozens of Chinese men in local towns, white ford vans passing though a gas station, full of Chinese men, military aged? This is everywhere but, more in rural areas. I believe, from what I have seen Michael Yon talk about, the Venezuelan gangs are working with the Chinese Communist party, sharing intel and some resources, with the gangs, their goal is the same, to cause chaos and loss of life. It wouldn't be a far stretch to say homeland security is helping, feeding them, money, shelter and intel as well.. THIS MAKES IT EASY TO KILL, STEAL,TAKE OVER AMERICA! We find out that the gang members arrested in a shooting in Aurora, Biden & Harris flew these gang members into Denver, Colorado. The average American has 3 - 6 firearms in their home. THATS NO GOOD IF YOUR NOT READY OR AWARE! What are YOUR local sheriffs doing? Call you local sheriff and chief of police today ask them what they are doing, you need to know! Please do not expect help or anyone to come to the rescue! Be prepared to go it alone. Prepare for the worst & hope for the best. This article might also help, This will help you stay informed. We need to start going to city and county town halls, make our voices heard! If you stick your head in the sand, it may be very bad for you and your family real soon. 11,000 illegal's crossing a day the ones we know of. Be prepared. IT COULD BE YOUR END! It is time we have our own Militia here in Mackinac county. JOIN ME IN THE DEFENSE OF OUT HOME COUNTY CONTACT ME AT [email protected] . ITS TIME TO ACT WE NEED YOU TO SATND! WE CANT DEPEND ON OUR POLICE CHEIF OR SHERRIF, JOIN TODAY! LEAVE ME A CONTACT NUMBER OR EMAIL.YOUR NAME AND AGE AND AREA. TY! GOD BE WITH US ALL. GO TIME IS HERE! STAND WITH US OR FALL. 350,000 Chinese military here now all over the US. 64 million illegals. From 165 countries. Be ready! Any time they will strike! JJ CARRELL DOCUMENTS OUR OFFICIALS AND AGENCIES DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY WITH THE BORDER INVASION! MEDIA COVERING IT UP. OURCOUNTRYOURCHOICE.COM REPUBLIC.US MI. State Rep: OCOC,Christian,10 years Overseas Special Forces Combat Vet MOS:18Z. I want my HOME BACK! Patriot, Activist, Influencer, Content creator. Fight! @Baleos53 Truth!

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