
350,000 Chinese military in this country& Whitmore is selling our land


Border Defense

Americans, we also have a Northern border, mostly Chinese military pretending to be immigrants have crossed our northern border, and we have no idea where they are! I was standing in a local store a couple of weeks ago, just browsing, and there was a coastguard officer talking to the cashier laughing loudly. He caught MY ATTENTION BECAUSE HE WAS IN UNIFORM! He was talking about being stationed in the Sault, so I listened, and what I heard him say was appalling. He said, "all there is to do is get drunk with Indian women". He stated he didn't care about what was going on in the government. He also said, "Yeah I don't care if we get nuked, I don't have kids"! That was the last straw for me. I walked up right on his heels and said well I do care! I have five children and I want them to live full lives like I have had. How dare you put that uniform on you POS! He was shocked and said OK, looking at me standing there with fist clenched. I was so angry I had to get the F!@# out of there before I got myself in trouble! This is who we have protecting our borders and waters! WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE FOLKS! I see dozens of Chinese riding bicycles blocking the roads all male in white ford vans 5 - 10 at a time at gas stations in St. Ignace and Petoskey among other places. Have any of you seen this? We need to be prepared, they could strike us, they are here from the Chinese government. We have already been invaded through our Southern and Northern borders, and nobody is speaking of the north at all. 64 million illegal's are here now, and thousands come through our borders daily. In Aurora, Colorado several apartment complex's have been taken over by Venezuelan gangs armed with American assault weapons. The police won't act or stop them FBI nope, Marshals nope! No one is coming to save us! WE MUST DEFEND OURSELVES! GET ARMED, TRAIN, STORE AMMO, FOOD, WATER, MEDICATIONS. THIS HAS ALL BEEN DONE BY OUR GOVERNMENT. J.J.CARRELL GAVE ME ACCESS TO A VIDEO HE IS MAKING, "THIS IS TREASON". Mayorkus was the mastermind behind most of this. I will post MANY other VIDEOS AND OTHER INFO BELOW. PLEASE STAY ALERT AND BE PREPARED. WE ARE already INVADED,TIME TO STAND! 350,000 Chinese military here now, all over the US. 64 million illegals from 165 countries. Be ready! Any time they may strike! Our governor and government are in collusion with the Chinese so can we trust her or them? It is time we have our own Militia here in Mackinac county. JOIN ME IN THE DEFENSE OF OUT HOME COUNTY CONTACT ME AT [email protected] . ITS TIME TO ACT WE NEED YOU TO SATND! WE CANT DEPEND ON OUR POLICE CHEIF OR SHERRIF, JOIN TODAY! LEAVE ME A CONTACT NUMBER OR EMAIL.YOUR NAME AND AGE AND AREA. TY! GOD BE WITH US ALL. GO TIME IS HERE! STAND WITH US OR FALL. JJ CARRELL DOCUMENTS OUR OFFICIALS AND AGENCIES DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY WITH THE BORDER INVASION! MEDIA COVERING IT UP. OURCOUNTRYOURCHOICE.COM REPUBLIC.US MI. State Rep: OCOC,Christian,10 years Overseas Special Forces Combat Vet MOS:18Z. I want my HOME BACK! Patriot, Activist, Influencer, Content creator. Fight! @Baleos53 Truth! NEW Damning VIDEO OF PROOF. So now we are up to 11,ooo crossing daily,

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